Over the years, Jenkins has become the undisputed ruler among continuous
integration (CI), delivery and deployment (CD) tools. It, in a way, defined the
CI/CD processes we use today. As a result of its leadership, many other products
have tried to overthrow it from its position. Among others, we got Bamboo and
Team City attempting to get a piece of the market. At the same time, new
products emerged with a service approach (as opposed to on-premise). Some of
them are Travis, CircleCI and Shippable. Be that as it may, none managed to get
even close to Jenkins' adoption. Today, depending on the source we use, Jenkins
holds between 50-70% of the whole CI/CD tools market. The reason behind such a
high percentage is its dedication to open source principles set from the very
beginning by Kohsuke Kawaguchi. Those same principles were the reason he forked
Jenkins from Hudson. The community behind the project, as well as commercial
entities behind enterprise versions, are continuously improving the way it works
and adding new features and capabilities. They are redefining not only the way
Jenkins behaves but also the CI/CD practices in a much broader sense. One of
those new features is the Jenkins Pipeline plugin. Before we
dive into it, let us take a step back and discuss the reasons that led us to
initiate the move away from Freestyle jobs and towards the Pipeline.
The Need for Change
Over time, Jenkins, like most other self-hosted CI/CD tools, tends to accumulate
a vast number of jobs. Having a lot of them causes quite an increase in
maintenance cost. Maintaining ten jobs is easy. It becomes a bit harder (but
still bearable) to manage a hundred. When the number of jobs increases to
hundreds or even thousands, managing them becomes very tedious and time
If you are not proficient with Jenkins (or other CI/CD tools) or you do not work
for a big project, you might think that hundreds of jobs is excessive. The truth
is that such a number is reached over a relatively short period when teams
are practicing continuous delivery or deployment. Let’s say that an average
CD flow has the following set of tasks that should be run on each commit:
building, pre-deployment testing, deployment to a staging environment,
post-deployment testing and deployment to production. That’s five groups of
tasks that are often divided into, at least, five separate Jenkins jobs. In
reality, there are often more than five jobs for a single CD flow, but let
us keep it an optimistic estimate. How many different CD flows does a medium
sized company have? With twenty, we are already reaching a three digits
number. That’s quite a lot of jobs to cope with even though the estimates
we used are too optimistic for all but the smallest entities.
Now, imagine that we need to change all those jobs from, let’s say, Maven to
Gradle. We can choose to start modifying them through the Jenkins UI, but that
takes too much time. We can apply changes directly to Jenkins XML files that
represent those jobs but that is too complicated and error prone. Besides,
unless we write a script that will do the modifications for us, we would
probably not save much time with this approach. There are quite a few plugins
that can help us to apply changes to multiple jobs at once, but none of them is
truly successful (at least among free plugins). They all suffer from one
deficiency or another. The problem is not whether we have the tools to perform
massive changes to our jobs, but whether jobs are defined in a way that they can
be easily maintained.
Besides the sheer number of Jenkins jobs, another critical Jenkins' pain point
is centralization. While having everything in one location provides a lot of
benefits (visibility, reporting and so on), it also poses quite a few
difficulties. Since the emergence of agile methodologies, there’s been a huge
movement towards self-sufficient teams. Instead of horizontal organization with
separate development, testing, infrastructure, operations and other groups, more
and more companies are moving (or already moved) towards self-sufficient teams
organized vertically. As a result, having one centralized place that defines all
the CD flows becomes a liability and often impedes us from splitting teams
vertically based on projects. Members of a team should be able to collaborate
effectively without too much reliance on other teams or departments. Translated
to CD needs, that means that each team should be able to define the deployment
flow of the application they are developing.
Finally, Jenkins, like many other tools, relies heavily on its UI. While that is
welcome and needed as a way to get a visual overview through dashboards and
reports, it is suboptimal as a way to define the delivery and deployment flows.
Jenkins originated in an era when it was fashionable to use UIs for everything.
If you worked in this industry long enough you probably saw the swarm of tools
that rely completely on UIs, drag & drop operations and a lot of forms that
should be filled. As a result, we got tools that produce artifacts that cannot
be easily stored in a code repository and are hard to reason with when anything
but simple operations are to be performed. Things changed since then, and now we
know that many things (deployment flow being one of them) are much easier to
express through code. That can be observed when, for example, we try to define a
complex flow through many Jenkins jobs. When deployment complexity requires
conditional executions and some kind of a simple intelligence that depends on
results of different steps, chained jobs are truly complicated and often
impossible to create.
All things considered, the major pain points Jenkins had until recently are as
Tendency to create a vast number of jobs
Relatively hard and costly maintenance
Centralization of everything
Lack of powerful and easy ways to specify deployment flow through code
This list is, by no means, unique to Jenkins. Other CI/CD tools have at least
one of the same problems or suffer from deficiencies that Jenkins solved a long
time ago. Since the focus of this article is Jenkins, I won’t dive into a
comparison between the CI/CD tools.
Luckily, all those, and many other deficiencies are now a thing of the past.
With the emergence of thePipeline
plugin and many others that were created on
top of it, Jenkins entered a new era and proved itself as a dominant player in
the CI/CD market. A whole new ecosystem was born, and the door was opened for
very exciting possibilities in the future.
Before we dive into the Jenkins Pipeline and the toolset that surrounds it, let
us quickly go through the needs of a modern CD flow.
Continuous Delivery or Deployment Flow with Jenkins
When embarking on the CD journey for the first time, newcomers tend to think
that the tasks that constitute the flow are straightforward and linear. While
that might be true with small projects, in most cases things are much more
complicated than that. You might think that the flow consists of building,
testing and deployment, and that the approach is linear and follows the
all-or-nothing rule. Build invokes testing and testing invokes deployment. If
one of them fails, the developer gets a notification, fixes the problem and
commits the code that will initiate the repetition of the process.
![A simple and, in most cases, insufficient CD flow simple cd flow small]()
In most instances, the process is far more complex. There are many tasks to run,
and each of them might produce a failure. In some cases, a failure should only
stop the process. However, more often than not, some additional logic should be
executed as part of the after-failure cleanup. For example, what happens if
post-deployment tests fail after a new release was deployed to production? We
cannot just stop the flow and declare the build a failure. We might need to
revert to the previous release, rollback the proxy, de-register the service and
so on. I won’t go into many examples of situations that require complex flow
with many tasks, conditionals that depend on results, parallel execution and so
on. Instead, I’ll share a diagram of one of the flows I worked on.
![A more compelx CD flow complex cd flow small]()
Some tasks are run in one of the testing servers (yellow) while others are run
on the production cluster (blue). While any task might produce an error, in some
cases such an outcome triggers a separate set of tasks. Some parts of the flow
are not linear and depend on task results. Some tasks should be executed in
parallel to improve the overall time required to run them. The list goes on and
on. Please note that this discussion is not about the best way to execute the
deployment flow but only a demonstration that the complexity can be, often, very
high and cannot be solved by a simple chaining of Freestyle jobs. Even in cases
when such chaining is possible, the maintenance cost tends to be very high.
One of the CD objectives we are unable to solve through chained jobs, or is
proved to be difficult to implement, is conditional logic. In many cases, it is
not enough to simply chain jobs in a linear fashion. Often, we do not want only
to create a job A that, once it’s finished running, executes job B, which, in
turn, invokes job C. In real-world situations, things are more complicated than
that. We want to run some tasks (let’s call them job A), and, depending on the
result, invoke jobs B1 or B2, then run in parallel C1, C2 and C3, and, finally,
execute job D only when all C jobs are finished successfully. If this were a
program or a script, we would have no problem accomplishing something like that,
since all modern programming languages allow us to employ conditional logic in a
simple and efficient way. Chained Jenkins jobs, created through its UI, pose
difficulties to create even a simple conditional logic. Truth be told, some
plugins can help us with conditional logic. We have Conditional Build Steps,
Parameterised Trigger, Promotions and others. However, one of the major issues
with these plugins is configuration. It tends to be scattered across multiple
locations, hard to maintain and with little visibility.
Resource allocation needs a careful thought and is, often, more complicated than
a simple decision to run a job on a predefined slave. There are cases when slave
should be decided dynamically, workspace should be defined during runtime and
cleanup depends on a result of some action.
While a continuous deployment process means that the whole pipeline ends with
deployment to production, many businesses are not ready for such a goal or have
use-cases when it is not appropriate. Any other process with a smaller scope, be
it continuous delivery or continuous integration, often requires some human
interaction. A step in the pipeline might need someone’s confirmation, a failed
process might require a manual input about reasons for the failure, and so on.
The requirement for human interaction should be an integral part of the pipeline
and should allow us to pause, inspect and resume the flow. At least, until we
reach the true continuous deployment stage.
The industry is, slowly, moving towards microservices architectures. However,
the transformation process might take a long time to be adopted, and even more
to be implemented. Until then, we are stuck with monolithic applications that
often require a long time for deployment pipelines to be fully executed. It is
not uncommon for them to run for a couple of hours, or even days. In such cases,
failure of the process, or the whole node the process is running on, should not
mean that everything needs to be repeated. We should have a mechanism to
continue the flow from defined checkpoints, thus avoiding costly repetition,
potential delays and additional costs. That is not to say that long-running
deployment flows are appropriate or recommended. A well-designed CD process
should run within minutes, if not seconds. However, such a process requires not
only the flow to be designed well, but also the architecture of our applications
to be changed. Since, in many cases, that does not seem to be a viable option,
resumable points of the flow are a time saver.
All those needs, and many others, needed to be addressed in Jenkins if it was to
continue being a dominant CI/CD tool. Fortunately, developers behind the project
understood those needs and, as a result, we got the Jenkins Pipeline plugin. The
future of Jenkins lies in a transition from Freestyle chained jobs to a single
pipeline expressed as code. Modern delivery flows cannot be expressed and easily
maintained through UI drag 'n drop features, nor through chained jobs. They can
neither be defined through YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) definitions
proposed by some of the newer tools (which I’m not going to name). We need to go
back to code as a primary way to define not only the applications and services
we are developing but almost everything else. Many other types of tools adopted
that approach, and it was time for us to get that option for CI/CD processes as